Friday, April 30, 2010

Loving Friday

This week I've been really tired. Brynn has been awesome, but I've been staying up too late and forgetting about the fact that I have a baby that will wake me in the middle of the night. =) Oops. For some reason, I'm super excited that today is Friday. I just returned home from walking with a dear friend and Brynn is down for a nap. I'm looking forward to using this time to clean my house and bake a dessert for a family event tomorrow while sipping on a cup of decaf on this chilly afternoon.

I had to say goodbye to my beloved bible study group this week. I love love LOVE these women, but at this point in Brynn's life, she needs me home in the evenings- our days go better this way. I'm going to miss seeing my friends but will be thinking about them every other Tuesday and praying for them- the Lord is doing amazing things in all our lives.

Brynn has always been a great sleeper and my routine with her has been to rock or bounce her until she gets drowsy (about 5 minutes or so) and then lay her down to let her finish dozing off by herself. The last few days, though, I've been watching for her tired cues and then laying her down when she's fully awake to see if she can put herself to sleep. This is something I really want her to be able to do on her own and though it's easy to rock her fully to sleep because she's just so darn cute, I know it will really help things in the future if she can fall asleep on her own. So far she's doing great- is it crazy to say that I'm so proud of her for this?! =)

I'm joining a mom's club on the Eastside that has activities every day of the week for kids- although I do get together with many of my friends who are home with their kids, not many of them live in my community, so I'm excited to meet moms here where we live. Next week I'm going to take Brynn to her first Gymboree class with the group- I'm sure she'll get a lot out of it. =)

We have a full Saturday of fun family activities and I'm really looking forward to Sunday- church and then our tradition of going out for donuts and coffee afterward! I love weekends!

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