Friday, February 12, 2010

40-week photo shoot

What do the Pearsons do when we're 4 days past our due date? Mark sets up a photo shoot! It was dark out, so Mark had to do some interesting things with the lighting, but we're really happy with how these turned out, especially since it was such a spontaneous idea!

I'm scheduled to be induced on Tuesday- I'd MUCH rather she come on her own, and I much prefer the element of surprise that is the opposite of induction, but I am getting pretty uncomfortable and SO excited to meet this little baby that is still very active in my belly.

So, here's to hoping she comes out on her own before Tuesday! Hope you're all enjoying the day! I'm off for a nice long walk and maybe a latte. =)


tiffany jeanne said...

Those are awesome photos! You'll be glad you have them :)

John and Bree plus 3 (and a dog!) said...

Mark did an amazing job! Your belly looks fantastic!!! Nothing like my 3x stretched out belly. HA! I think my favorite picture is the one with the shoes... SO adorable!