Thursday, February 28, 2008

Want a yummy, quick dinner idea?

Put some Ramen noodles in a pot of boiling water along with a LITTLE BIT of the flavoring....that's the part that is so unhealthy...super salty.  Throw in some frozen peas, bean sprouts, cooked chicken, tofu or shrimp.  Put in a bit of fresh pepper, basil or cilantro, some green onion, and voila! Super yummy, healthy soup/noodle dinner!

I just came up with this tonight...I've always secretly loved Ramen noodles and Cup O' Noodles...but I never eat it because it's so unhealthy with all that I decided to only use like 1/4 teaspoon of the flavoring powder and add a bunch of other yummy, fresh ingredients me, is you like Cup O' gotta try it this way!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

great idea! i'm going to try this soon...