Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thankful November- day 3

Today I'm thankful for really GOOD decaf coffee. I know that unless you're in a coffeehouse or fabulous restaurant, this is a bit of an oxymoron, but I've searched high and low over the last year and a half to find a great decaf coffee to enjoy at home. When I found out I was pregnant, I stopped drinking regular coffee and have never started again since I'm still nursing. Like many first-time moms, a bit of paranoia set in about drinking regular coffee and having a baby that was strung out on caffeine and would never sleep. =) I know there are many mamas who drink regular coffee and their babes sleep just fine, but like I said...paranoia. =)

Anyway, after trying many watery, bitter, and mostly flavorless decaf blends, my favorite has become the "Green Mountain/ Newman's Own Organics" brand. It is robust, super flavorful, so much so that I can even drink it black. Yeah. It's that good.

I love waking up to the smell of coffee brewing, and just the taste of coffee perks me up, (no pun intended), so no caffeine needed. Another great thing is that sometimes I don't have time for coffee before running out the door in the morning and I don't miss those "I NEED coffee" headaches at all!

So this morning, as my coffeemaker filled my home with the aroma of freshly ground beans, I thought about how much I love love love GOOD decaf coffee.

1 comment:

John and Bree plus 3 (and a dog!) said...

There WILL be a post on coffee one of these days on my blog... and probably one on wine & chocolate as well. HUGS!!! :)